Thursday, October 24, 2019

Advantages and disadvantages of technology Essay

Throughout history, technological innovations have helped humankind improve their standards of living, beginning with the simple invention of bone tools of prehistoric times, continuing on to and beyond modern air conditioners, automobiles, and super computers. Nowadays, when the rapidness of development and research is so remarkable, it is easy to think about the advantages of modern technology. Technology has come a long way from floppy disk, to CDs, and now saving information on flash drives and clouds. Although very helpful technology has its advantages and, disadvantages for certain people jobs that are at risk. Technology today has made life better in modern society so much that people rely on it more than humans at times. Modern technology helps simplify life in so many ways such as communication like video chatting which is much more convenient. Another way technology helps people is in business, it helps boost efficiency and productivity in work area. Businesses have integrated modern technology in their production line, most of the hard work has become so simple and fast its results are better than of humans. This world goes through allot of changes as time goes on because of improvements this world is becoming more efficient and productive. Technology even helps save money in the long run with fuel, communication, and electricity. Technology helps make life for humans so much easier one example is through email. A quick email can be done and sent out within minutes rather than writing a letter and waiting days for a response. Opportunities that technology offers and accomplishes can no t only save time but again save money in the long run. Electronics are expensive but worth it when it comes to making life more convenient. Another advantage for these gadgets the mistakes that humans make can be reduced with the use of technology like automated bill pay. Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology Essay The mobile phone has many advantages and disadvantages. It is easy to contact friends and family. Since the first mobile was created we have been able to make calls to anywhere in the world by the click of a button. You are able to get in touch with people nearly 24/7. You have access to constant internet. Having the internet at your finger tips any time you need it has many advantages. Need to find out want time a movie is on in the cinema? No problem. Need to look up the number of a restaurant you fancy having dinner at? Just use your phone. A mobile phone is an all in one device. Having music, a camera, GPS, phone and mini laptop all in one device is handy. Nowadays we use our phones as our calculator, flashlight and fax machine. Many people do not even own a camera anymore as who needs one when you can high quality shots with you camera phone. Mobile phones also allow us to facetime or Skype family and friends. Skype and facetime allow us to view our friends and family members no matter where they are in the world. These apps also allow you to choose between making a video and a voice call. You can connect with anyone else who has internet connection. People survived for years without carrying a phone with them. It’s becoming a necessity for people to carry portable phones with them. Having a phone which is portable is handy for those situations where you break down on a country road; a portable phone can help make sure you are never stuck. Phones nowadays work almost everywhere, there are very few locations where phones don’t work. Read more:  Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology Essay A phone helps ensure business people are always in touch with their clients and those who they need to talk to right away, from work or even at home. A portable phone works if charged during power outs, after accidents or whenever an emergency arises, a phone can be a lifesaver. Portable phones are becoming entertainment on the go. From television and movie downloads to games. Portable phones are great for helping people organize their lives. Some phones can handle e-mail addresses, appointments and more. It’s like carrying a personal computer with you on the go. Mobile phones do so much that we find ourselves glued to them almost every day instead of people interacting with each other they sit with their eyes stuck to their phones having virtual conversations instead of real ones.  When trying to do work it is hard to concentrate when there is a mobile sitting staring at you as the temptation to have a look on facebook or other websites is huge. Mobile phones can actually cost lives when drivers, focused on their mobile phones lose control of their vehicles and cause major accidents. Not as serious but you could fall down stairs, trip or run into something or someone when you’re stuck on facebook. Most phones nowadays have passwords on them but if you leave your phone unlocked and someone gets a hold of it them all your details are exposed – your contacts, messages, social media accounts and maybe even your bank details. Even if your phone is protected with a password a hacker can still access your information if they really want to. There is a lot of evidence that mobile phones cause damage to the brain. Phones produce radiation and should not be left near you when sleeping. They also affect a lot of people’s sleeping patterns which result in sleeplessness and insomnia. Many people like to be constantly upgraded with the newest phone. Some people want a different phone every month, as well as all the accessories that are now on the market for each mobile phone. Also what is the point of a phone without credit? Mobile phones are bottomless money pits. The landline also has many advantages and disadvantages. A landline always has coverage making it totally reliable and easy to access in the case of an emergency. In case of an unfortunate event of an earthquake or landslide, the mobile phone receives no network while the landline stays active. The reliability of a land line makes them advantageous when it comes to emergencies. For example, if someone is hurt and needs immediate medical care, you do not have to worry about poor reception. Landlines also provide a fixed location that emergency responders can rush to. If there is no power and a mobile phone dies, the user is without a phone completely if there is no landline connected to a wired phone. A landline home phones will rescue a user when their mobile phone dies. The larger size of a landline phone allows you to more easily cradle the phone between your head and shoulder. In general, landlines are much less expensive than mobile phones. The setup costs, hardware costs and calling costs of mobile phones are all typically higher. Most landline service providers offer free local calls. Keeping a landline at home can help reduce your phone bill and allow you to talk as  long as you want without worrying about racking up charges. Landlines do not meet the needs of people today. Most people spend more time outside the home. Using their mobile phone allows freedom from checking the home recorder for messages. Nowadays if someone is waiting on an important call they do not have to sit at home and wait for the call. They can send and receive calls from anywhere there is phone service. A landline is not portable and it cannot travel with you. Landline service only works inside the home and it also limits the caller’s ability to move around while on a call. Landline services offer fewer options than mobile phone services. Many mobile phone companies include internet access, text messaging, voice mail and a whole range of applications. Landlines however do not include these options. If you have a landline phone, your number and home address is in the phone book. While there are benefits to having your number listed, there’s also one huge disadvantage which is telemarketers. Landline phones are more likely to get calls from telemarketers trying to sell you something at all hours. That’s because many calling centres will scroll through the phone book, calling listed number after number. These can be annoying to phone owners. Landlines consume more energy than cell phones, as they remain plugged in at all times. This is true of cordless landline phones as well, because of the charger required. While mobile phones do not last as long as landlines they are easier to recycle. The Internet has been the greatest means of communication yet. It is now faster and more reliable than ever. Nowadays it is possible to use video, chat and messenger services. There are many ‘chat rooms’ on the web that can be accessed to meet new people, make new friends, as well as to stay in touch with old friends. Social networking has become so popular amongst youth that it might one day replace physical networking. It has evolved as a great way to connect with millions of people with similar interests. Apart from finding long-lost friends, you can also look for a job, business opportunities. The Internet has made life very convenient. With numerous online services you can now perform all your transactions online. You can book tickets for a movie, transfer funds, pay utility bills, taxes etc., and right from your home. Entertainment is another popular reason why many  people prefer to surf the Internet. The internet has even become some peoples TV as you can watch endless programmes at the click of a button. Also downloading games or just surfing the celebrity websites are some of the uses people have discovered. The Internet has any kind of information on any topic under the sun. The search engines help you to find data on any subject that you need. You can also shop online, there are many online stores and sites that can be used to look for products as well as buy them using your credit card. You do not need to leave your house and can do all your shopping from the convenience of your home. E-mail is another advantage, with e-mail you can send and receive instant electronic messages. Your messages are delivered instantly to people anywhere in the world. If you use the Internet for online banking, social networking or other services, you may risk a theft to your personal information such as name, address, credit card number etc. People can access this information through unsecured connections then use your personal details for their benefit. Internet users are often plagued by virus attacks on their systems. Virus programs may get activated if you click a seemingly harmless link. Computers connected to the Internet are very prone to targeted virus attacks and may end up crashing. People are drifting apart from their friends and family because of the internet. Even children prefer to play online games rather than going out and mingling with other kids. The Internet can be harmful to little children. Children nowadays use the Internet on a daily basis. The Internet has provided a way for children to gain access to all sorts of websites. Cyber bullying is also another huge disadvantage when it comes to the internet. There are now many more ways that people can be harassed and bullied when they have access to the internet. Cyber bullying is one of the worst as it invades the victims’ life in a place they are comfortable in and think they are safe, because they are being harassed in their personal area, cyber bullying leads to more depression decreased self esteem, loneliness and suicide which are all big disadvantages. Another disadvantage of the internet is that it has allowed a great deal of anonymity to a large number of people who have access to different websites and chat rooms available. This has allowed perverted individuals to take advantage of innocent people and abuse their trust. We can always hear from news that paedophiles used  the internet to make crimes. With all its falls the internet has the potential to ma ke your life simple and convenient, as well as wreak havoc in your life. Having a fax machine certainly has its benefits, there are also disadvantages associated with relying on this sending tool. With a fax machine, you can quickly send documents from one building to another without any cost. Not only does a fax machine make this rapid transfer easier and more cost-effective, it also allows for the transfer to take place more quickly. Fax machines provide senders with a receipt after the document has finished the fax process; the user has some evidence that they did, in fact, send the document. Faxes are delivered immediately to around the globe. This method of data transmission is effective when access to email or file share are unattainable or unfeasible. Fax machines are very inexpensive and several are part of multifunction systems. Just like all technology, fax machines can fail. If a company depends too heavily upon the fax machine and the machine fails to operate, the people using the machine may experience some difficulty. Also you cannot send a fax to someone who does not also have a fax machine; the receiver must have a fax machine to get the document. Documents you sent may not be as safe and secure. Information thieves have ways of pulling information from old fax machines or discarded printing cartridges. Any time you send a document, via fax or otherwise, you open up the possibility of someone accessing your data, putting you at risk. Fax machines take up space and also create an opportunity for mechanical failures that may require costly repairs. Emailing documents takes no additional hardware besides an existing computer, and files can be stored digitally rather than taking up space in paper form. Fax machines need regular maintenance. You have to stock the machines with paper and also supply toner, which are the powdered ink fax machines use to print. There is also the possibility that once a document has been faxed and the information is read or entered into a computer, the paper will be thrown away or recycled. Finally, like every machine, fax machines require occasional cleaning. Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology Essay The advantages of stun guns and patrol car video surveillance are a critical tool in law enforcement. Officers are given the option of Tasers, which are extremely effective when pursuing an offender that might have had the upper hand to fight for a long time, resulting in the officer gaining injuries. Currently, patrol car video is a necessity as video records will enhance an officer’s credibility, corroborate identities, and statement issues, and can be used as evidence in court. However, critical to law enforcement; stun guns should be used as a last resort. Let us examine some of the issues that contain some validity to arguments for the continue use of these tools within law enforcement. One may argue that a Taser (stun gun) causes muscle contractions and renders a person helpless while being temporarily paralyzed. Lee (2007) addressed this to be true, but law enforcement has maximized training programs so that suspects and officers lives are not in jeopardy. In addition, when a stun gun is used there is a permanent record and the video surveillance is automatically recorded when an officer takes the safety off the weapon (Lee, 2007). Consequently, the stun gun is used by law enforcement specifically for self-defense, and as a result, Lee (2007) mentions there have been hundreds of arrests that would have been involved in most serious outcomes, such as a suspect or officer’s demise. Read more:  Essay About Technology Advantages and Disadvantages As much as of 1,500 lives a year are taken by accidents with firearms in the United States (Tennenbaum, A. N., & Moore, A. M. (1993). However, guns have been converted into less-lethal weapons such as Tasers. In fact, the Taser gun also known as a stun gun has the capacity of 50,000 volts that are connected to electrodes, and this nonlethal weapon resembles a gun in its composition and has varying degrees of power. Tennenbaum, A. N., & Moore, A. M. (1993) noted that there are available nonlethal weapon technologies, which give citizens options and no deadly force of traditional guns. The stun gun is an alternative weapon that can be operated by an officer with proper training and is a nonlethal weapon. One must be capable of using a stun gun to subdue or neutralize a suspect so that no harm will occur to one’s body. After all, not every person has the same body structure, so  therefore the stun gun can be more dangerous depending on the individual. Example, someone with a heart defibrillator can die from a stun gun (Lee, 2007). However, with the proper training, an officer has the knowledge of reducing or increasing power on the stun gun, and the main idea here is that the Taser will immediately stop an individual in his tracks by setting the Taser to a specific level for the offender. One may argue that stun guns may promptly fall into the hands of criminals who will use them for criminal acts. Although, there is no arguing over this point, nevertheless with these weapons such as stun guns, the consequences will not be deadly for either the officer or the offender. Suppose some others may say that nonlethal weapons are unrealistic but interesting. After all, one knows an advance of technological knowledge is essential in law enforcement. For example, when Tasers are used in the muscular areas, the offender’s nervous system is shut down for up to 30 seconds. As a result, the officer is safe from harm. Finally, an officer now has efficient time to confine or restrain the suspect. Hence, no one gets hurt. Law enforcement wants to prevent any misuse. An individual’s background is nationally run through to verify his credit card information, age, and identification. Finally, there is a check for any felony convictions, not to mention terrorist watch lists. If any information pertaining to felonies show up, the individual will be turned away. When one uses a patrol car and it is equipped with video surveillance, he is being protected in many ways because video does not lie. Whether the officer is acting inappropriately or the suspect is acting hostile the video will prove to be the most critical evidence. Tennenbaum, A. N., & Moore, A. M. (1993) assures surveillance systems are great additions to police cars. They protect both sides, and if one thinks about it, he would rather be stunned than shot. The most distinct video surveillance brings the highest quality to agencies. They are easy to use and they have the technology to transfer, gather, and retrieve evidence. In fact, the video is shared with court officials and the prosecution while maintaining the integrity of the original video. There are no negative factors in having patrol car video surveillance. This tool is capable of functional requirements and meeting legislative mandates. Typically, patrol car surveillance systems tend to use analog tape technologies, which can be copied and transferred. However, overall performance in these surveillance systems is limited. In conclusion, the overall success with law enforcement and the violence out there today are critical tools for an officer’s self-defense. In addition, Taser and video surveillance are the most chosen tools in law enforcement. Furthermore, when the Taser is used properly and efficiently, it will deter the most hostile offenders, whereas most nonlethal weapons will not having the necessary means. Meanwhile video surveillance can help an officer’s defense or a suspect’s guilt in court as it is a permanent video record of an incident. Moreover, video surveillance is never bias, the truth is right in front of you. References Lee, Harry. (2007, February 19). JPSO Tasers Have Proven To Be A Near-Perfect Non-Lethal Weapon That Stuns. Sheriffs Weekly Journal, 27(31), 36, 1/3. Retrieved May 28, 2008, from, A. N., & Moore, A. M. (1993). Non-Lethal Weapons: Alternatives To Deadly Force. The Futurist, 27(5), 20. Retrieved May 28, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 479634). Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology Essay Technology began when man started to control and modify nature to meet his needs.   Prior to the 20th Century, technology was identified with skilled men and women who passed their expertise and know-how from one generation to another.   Back then technology was associated with new techniques, new processes and new methods of doing things.   With the scientific revolution in the 20th Century, the concept of technology changed.   It is now closely associated with gadgets, products and innovative scientific inventions. This essay examines the advantages and disadvantages of two simple technological innovations: the stun gun and the police car video surveillance.   Their impact, advantages and disadvantages to the society will be evaluated for purpose of deeper appreciation of their use. Advantages and Disadvantages of Stun Guns and Police Car Video Surveillance Technology is closely tied with the concept of innovation.   There was a time when law enforcement officers utilized the wooden batons as their only weapons against violent individuals who resisted arrest (Scott Oldham, 2005, p.1).   In view of the lack of effective weapons that they can use to apprehend and subdue suspects, encounters between law enforcement officers and suspects often lead to a bloody fight.   As a result either the police officer or the suspect ends up getting seriously hurt or killed. Read more:  Technology Advantages and Disadvantages Essay There was also a time when law enforcement officers had to rely on their recollection of the events during dangerous situations.   They had to record the license number of the suspect’s getaway vehicle, remember their faces and the kind of weapons used.   If they were able to arrest the suspects after a dangerous situation, suspects often filed suits against law enforcement officers alleging brutality and violence they experienced in the hands of the police officers.   There being no other witnesses, the police officer had always been placed in jeopardy of being maliciously sued by a suspect he had arrested in his line of duty. With the use of technology, man was able to control and modify nature for the purpose of satisfying his own needs. Law enforcement officers have found simple solutions to their everyday problems.   With the use of stun guns police officers were able to harness the power of electricity.   They were able to control the volt and use it to apprehend violent suspects by incapacitating them temporarily. With the discovery of stun guns, police officers no longer have to worry about getting hurt or hurting anybody in the course of the arrest.   In case a suspect resists arrest and becomes really violent, the law enforcement officer only has to press this gun against the body of the suspect.   It will release an electronic charge that is high in voltage that can disable the suspect for 20 to 30minutes enough time for them to place handcuff on the suspect. Police officers no longer have to worry about the possibility of them forgetting the suspect’s face or the license number of the vehicle or the kind of weapon used.   He also need not fear that suits for excessive violence and brutality may be filed against him because there is physical evidence that can be presented before the court.   Law enforcement officers only have to produce the recording of his patrol car video surveillance and present it in court to disprove the false and malicious accusations against him. Just like any technology, however, it can be abused.   In the hands of an abusive law enforcement officer, stun guns may cause serious injury against a suspect if not used properly.   According to United Nations Committee use of stun guns by the police may cause extreme pain and in certain cases may lead to death.   (David Morgan, 2007, p.2)   It has been reported that since 1999, 80 people have died and others have been seriously injured by police using electronic stun gun which negate the claims that they are non lethal weapons.   (Greg Mathis, 2005, p.1) Use of police car video surveillance may be advantageous for some but it may pose a serious constitutional challenge for others.  Ã‚   Lawyers have challenged the legality of the act of police officers using their video camera as proof to apprehend those who commit over speeding and those who run against red lights.   Their contention is that the owners of the car are automatically considered guilty and imposed a penalty even if it may be possible that the car owners were not driving the vehicles at the time the infraction was committed.   Aside from constitutional violation of presumption of innocence, some police officers may use the video camera for the purpose of invading the privacy of private individuals. Conclusion Technology is indeed the successful attempt by man to control and modify nature for the purpose of satisfying human needs and providing solutions to his problem.   It may happen that the technology may turn into something that it is intended to do or to something that it is not intended to.   This is precisely what technology is.   It may turn out beneficial to mankind but it may also pose serious risks for us. In the case of stun guns, I believe it is still one of the most non-lethal instruments that police officers can utilize against suspects.   It would be better however if police officers are educated on its use and its dangers before they are allowed to use these instruments.   The same thing is true for video surveillance which is most effective if it is utilized for strictly law enforcement work.   These instruments therefore are not dangerous in themselves.   They are not evil in themselves.   Problem starts when those who utilize it use it improperly.   This problem could be remedied by proper orientation and training so that old and new law enforcement officers may be advised on how to properly utilize these new pieces of technology.

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